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Migration often hits the headlines and sparks heated political and online debates. But if you dig deeper, there’s an underlying story of people coming and going, stretching back many centuries.

The movement of people across the ages has profoundly shaped our landscapes and cities, our diets and fashions, our language and culture, and our ideas and beliefs. The story of migration goes to the heart of who we are today. And we all have a personal connection to this story. What’s yours?

All Our Stories brings together the Migration Museum’s work over the past decade, alongside new stories and artwork that highlight just how central migration is to our lives.

Come with us on a journey as we explore the reasons why people migrate, experiences of arriving and settling and questions of identity and belonging.

We do not claim to tell the whole story of migration to and from Britain – but seek to encourage reflection, start conversations and gather ideas as we move towards our permanent home in central London.

Your journey begins here…

All Our Stories: Migration and the Making of Britain
Image: NLA

General Info

Admission / Cost FREE
Organiser Migration Museum

Venue / Location

Migration Museum More Info

Address: Lewisham Shopping Centre
SE13 7HB
view map
Public Transport Lewisham

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