The City Corporation’s local plan enters its final public consultation this summer before submission to the Secretary of State in the autumn. Broadening the City’s appeal and strengthening sustainability are core aims of a new urbanism demanding a design response. What must creators of the Square Mile’s future places and buildings consider?
Join the discussion at CAF’s event on 14 May where Shravan Joshi chairman of the Planning & Transportation Committee and Rob McNichol, Assistant Director of Policy and Strategy, will explain the plan and progress towards final approval.
Peter Stewart, founder of Townscape Consultancy and Kathryn Firth, Director, Cities Planning and Design Masterplanning and Urban Design, Arup will respond on the implications for architecture and the impact of the new urbanism of the City Plan 2040.
David Ainsworth, Chairman of CO-RE developers and Jay Ahluwalia, Principal Director of mixed use developer Dominus, will give their views on the impact of the Plan, and kick off a Q&A session with speakers.
Chaired by Lee Mallett of Urbik and CAF committee member.
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