Soundbite: How community work can address inequalities in the age of racism and inequality
UCL's Institute for Global Prosperity welcomes Jake Ferguson for a Soundbite
Jake Ferguson
Jake joined Hackney CVS in 2001. As CEO he has responsibility for the development and support of Hackney’s voluntary and community sector including strategies around commissioning, premises and new funding. Since 2001 he has helped the organisation grow from an annual turnover of £300k to over £3.5m. Internally Jake oversees the organisation’s approach to business planning and sustainability as well as ensuring it is continually improving to deliver our vision of a fairer Hackney. Jake is part of a number of national and regional initiatives looking at generous leadership, co-production and ways of working in the voluntary sector that will build a new generation of charitable leaders. He is regularly called upon to give voluntary sector insight and evidence to central government and funders. Jake has been involved in lots of important strategies in Hackney including Outcomes for Young Black Men, and Health and Social Care Transformation as well as the former Team Hackney Local Strategic partnership which helped to establish Hackney as one of the highest performing boroughs in the country.
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