This roundtable discusses the phygital, its application in education, and the potential impacts on our built environment.
With contributors engaged in the interaction and exchange between the physical and the digital, including developing phygital tools, sharing phygital skills, to hosting events via phygital means, this roundtable explores the processes of how the phygital is taught and how the phygital helps in teaching. It will ask, would the concept of 'virtually global, locally physical’ accelerate an evolution in the traditional socioeconomic models of education, and what form might it take?
This roundtable is part of Round the Table - an experimental virtual roundtable in 3D format. From the lessons that we have learnt in the past year, can we imagine a more sustainable, inclusive, interactive ands accessible educational environment that helps us to communicate beyond the 2D frame? Most importantly, how would this shift bring changes to our urban environment and the way we distribute tasks between the virtual/physical? The idea of ‘Globally Virtual, Locally Physical’ suggests a search into the prospects of knowledge sharing at the planetary-scale, beyond disciplinary and geographical borders.
This two-session roundtable, brings together educators, students and software groups who are working and learning inter-disciplinarily between both the virtual and physical worldwide to discuss the future of our education and the tools that interface us. In the same spirit, each session will take place in a WebVR space that is multiplayer accessible via any mobile/desktop devices.
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